SAE Purdue was established May 18, 1893.In the links that follow, you will find information our rich local and national history, as well as information about SAE Purdue today.

SAE Purdue Today
SAE Purdue is involved on campus and in the community. Please take the time to read about our successes in a multitude of area.

Brothers celebrate the 2014 Intramural Basketball Championship
The following links include the Phi Alpha Explorer, how to update your contact information, The Lion’s Tale, and information on upcoming alumni events.

SAE Purdue places emphasis first and foremost on the academic success of our brothers. Each year we award over $10,000 in local chapter scholarships alone, rewarding not only the highest achieving brothers but also those demonstrating improvement and outstanding involvement on campus. For more information regarding the scholastic programs and resources sponsored by SAE Purdue, contact our scholarship chairman.
Photo Gallery

Giving Back
We sincerely thank all of our brothers and friends who have supported, and continued to support, our annual giving campaign. Please send us any questions or your concerns you may have to alumni@saepurdue.com.